
To post daily or not to post daily? That's my question. For now anyway.

Today, again, was fairly uneventful. We're trying to sell our house, and people keep wanting to see it on short notice. Like just this morning my dad was talking on the phone. When he got off the phone, there was a message from our real estate agent saying to call him. By the time we got a hold of him, the people who wanted the house had called him back saying that it was too late, and they couldn't come see the house. So these people wanted too, at 10:00 in the morning, on a Sunday, call the real estate agent and get a viewing of the house within the hour. There was still the chance they might call back so we had to clean the house, then at around 2:00 I got to go hang with my cousins. I also got some great news, it turns out high speed internet is finally available in my area, actually it has been for about a year and a half now. The guy at the service desk was just telling us we were a bit out of range and needed to wait a few months for another tower to be built. ahhh c'est la vie , I guess. (did I spell that right?). So as soon as one of my dad's clients decides they feel like paying him, we're getting it. My dad has a small business that does work for other businesses. Lately he's been working 80 hour weeks, and no-one feels like paying him. Sorry, I guess I haven't really done anything but complain have I? Probably not the best way to attract readers. It's a habit I need to get rid of. Sorry for the lousy post, I'll try to make them more positive in the future. Maybe I shouldn't post every day, but only when something interesting happens. Or maybe I can fill my posts with pointless chatter like "I saw a funny movie last night" what do you think?

I really did see a funny movie last night.

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