Regular readers may start to notice a couple of changes around here. The first and more obvious one is that the "What am I doing" section is now the "What are we doing" section. The change of name is because it's been updated to show tweets from my girlfriend, Amy. I've mentioned her before. Other changes, are less obvious. I've made minor updates to some bits of my profile. Which upon looking, has apparently been removed by another big change; Amy has been given posting privileges. Expect stuff from her now. On a less big news note, blogger added an embedded comment box on single post pages, so I turned it on.
This is Mike, saying I hope you enjoy what Amy adds to this blog. Until next time.
EDIT: seems Amy beat me to the punch. Her first post is below this one.
@Amy - sorry if I stole your thunder
wait... does this mean things from Amy show up in my facebook notes? confusing :D
Amy and Mike
Posted by Cyborg_572 at 9:27:00 p.m.
The girlfriend
Hello all!
My name is Amy, and I'm the girl in mike's life :) he's even given me access to his blog! (if u know him u know that
s a big deal!!:P) anyway here's a bit about me. I'm a bio-med major at university and a musician (i play french horn yayayayay), i'm blonde, brown eyed and 5' 2"ish. Um, what else? unlike mike my knowledge of computers is extremely limited, but on the other hand i can separate DNA like no ones business (i know i've done it...twice, yay repeat labs). hmm no idea what to write about. Well currently im avoiding a chemistry pre-lab :).
Mike has gotten me addicted to Doctor Who! i just keep downloading them, and ignoring hmwk. like right now! Oh well so worth it. We're going as doctor who and rose for halloween. yes we are that awesome that we are doing a couple costume:).
we're currently very far apart which makes me sad but i am going to visit him this weekend for halloween yay :).
Ohh today i had a master class (buncha horns getting together playing and telling each other what was done well what could be improved) and i got so many compliments i loved it:) apparently im good :D.
well i should prolly go watch the loaded doctor who....i mean do my pre lab!!
p.s. my grammar sucks as does my spelling, my argument is that i'm a science major and don't need proper english:P so im just apologizing now.
Posted by kittycat27 at 9:18:00 p.m.
For those of you who are a little observant, you will probably already have noticed that I now have a little section for posts from my new twitter page at the top of my blog posts. I'm hoping that this, combined with my new phone with a texting plan, will let me update a bit easier. Right now the twitter posts are being displayed using what seems to be a pretty good plugin called Twitter Multi. It's currently set to show my 5 newest tweets, and it's only updated when the page is first loaded.
Also, the Canadian elections were today. Looks like another conservative minority. I'm proud of myself though, I voted.
That's all for now. Until next time.
The more I add, the more the people on facebook are missing. Get the full thing here:
Posted by Cyborg_572 at 1:44:00 a.m.
2 Years later
Well... it seems I've broken my stream of steady updates with a decent sized gap in there. The weekly average of readers was picking up for a bit there, but seems to have dropped down close to zero again. I guess that's what a lack of content will do to a blog. Before you ask... no. I haven't done anything on the idea I've had in the works. I'm starting to have second thoughts about it anyway. It seems I just don't have much time to do anything constructive much, but maybe I'm just wasting too much of it doing hardly anything. Anyway, you'd think after two years of blogging, I'd have more of an Idea of what to do content-wise. Which Brings me to the main topic of this article... "Cyborg_572's Blog" is now 2 years old. It was started on Friday, October 13, 2006. I completely missed the one year mark without even realizing it. It came as a bit of a shock to me when I noticed the start date on the profile. Two years and still running str-... well, no it isn't. Like most projects of mine, it's still fairly lacking in any sort of direction or purpose. Perhaps I should have done this earlier, but I'm going to announce that I'm open to suggestions. What would you, my few loyal readers, like to see in this little bit of webspace? I'm running low on Ideas.
Friday the 13th, what a day to launch a major project....
Posted by Cyborg_572 at 7:02:00 p.m.