As many of you probably know, Sunday was the release day of the Nintendo Wii. On Monday I thought I had no chance of getting one, but on Friday my grandma talked me into waiting in line. I'm glad I did. It is 100% awesome. I did have some trouble with the controller that came with it, whenever I hooked up a nunchuck it would act up and intermittently lose it's connection to the Wii. (I just have to find something to complain about, don't I?) It turned out to just be that particular controller and I have since replaced it and have had no trouble. I just wish I had high speed so I could get the Wii Connect 24 thing going. Oh well... someday I will get it. I also got a copy of Twilight Princess, and haven't been able to put it down since. I haven't been on the computer in almost a week now, which is odd for me. Well, I just had to tell everyone so thanks for reading. Hopefully I can think of something better to write next time.
Maybe I should put down the Wii and get some homework done... hmmmm...
I Got One!
Posted by Cyborg_572 at 9:14:00 p.m.
First Comment!
I've been meaning to post for a few days now. The only real reason is that I'm proud to announce that at least one person has at least noticed this blog in passing and has decided to comment. It's good to know that this isn't a complete waste of time. Halloween has passed, and I ended up staying home. No one trick-or-treats by my house, so I didn't get to give out candy either. I decided to take another whack at Majora's mask, in anticipation for the Sunday after next. That's the nineteenth, official launch date for the Wii. Personally I can't wait. I just hope I can manage to get one on the launch date, I don't think I could wait for the next shipment. Well, that's all for now enjoy yourselves.
ever been thrown without warning into a chat room on MSN? It's very disorienting.
Posted by Cyborg_572 at 7:54:00 p.m.